Privacy Policy


We respect your privacy as a user of our website. We want everyone who visits this site to have full knowledge of how they can protect their privacy. Therefore, we encourage you to read our ‘Privacy Policy’ on the website

This ‘Privacy Policy’ fulfills the informational obligation resulting from the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
and the provisions of the Act of May 10, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000), hereinafter referred to as ‘GDPR’.

1. The owner and operator of the Website is:

WIERZBIĘCICE 44A / 40A 61-568 POZNAŃ, NIP: 7831841208

According to the provisions of GDPR, the owner of the Website also acts as the data controller.

2. How can you contact us regarding the processing of personal data?

You can do this by emailing us at or by sending a letter to the address WIERZBIĘCICE 44A / 40A 61-568 POZNAŃ.

3. We collect personal data solely with the consent of users using forms on the Website and through email.

4. We respect all the rights of our users regarding their personal data as stipulated by GDPR, including but not limited to:

  • the right to access data (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • the right to rectify data (Art. 16 GDPR),
  • the right to erasure of data (‘right to be forgotten’) (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • the right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • the right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR),
  • the right to object (Art. 21 GDPR).

1. In accordance with the common practice of most websites, we store HTTPS requests directed to our server. Viewed resources are identified by URL addresses. The precise list of information stored in the logs of the WWW server is as follows:

  • The public IP address of the computer from which the request originated.
  • Client station name – identification performed by the HTTPS protocol.
  • Username provided during the authentication process.
  • Time of request arrival.
  • The first line of the HTTPS request.
  • The HTTPS response code.
  • The number of bytes sent by the server.
  • URL address of the previously visited service by the user (referer link) – in the case when the transition to the service occurred through a hyperlink (e.g., from search engine results or another website).
  • Information about the user’s browser.
  • Information about errors that occurred during the execution of the HTTPS transaction.

These data are not associated with specific individuals browsing our website and do not constitute the collection of personal data in accordance with GDPR.

2. Data Usage: The collected logs are stored indefinitely as auxiliary material for administering the website. The information contained in them is not disclosed to anyone other than authorized individuals responsible for server administration. Statistics generated based on log files may be used to assist in administration. Aggregate summaries in the form of such statistics do not contain any personally identifiable information about website visitors.


1. By ‘cookies,’ we mean computer data stored on end-user devices intended for use on websites. In particular, these are text files containing the name of the website they come from, the duration of their storage on the end device, and a unique number.

2. The service does not automatically collect any information, except for the information contained in cookies and server logs.

3. Cookies are intended for use on the service’s website. The operator uses these files for: :

  • the ability to log in and maintain user sessions on each subsequent page of the website
  • customizing the content of the website to individual user preferences, primarily by recognizing their device in order to display the page according to their preferences
  • to create anonymous statistics without the possibility of user identification.

4. Cookies used by the partners of the website operator, especially website users, are subject to their own privacy policy. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of our partners.

5. Partners described in point 4 include, among others:

  • Facebook (
  • Google (
  • (

6. In order to ensure the security of the data entrusted to us, we have developed internal procedures and guidelines aimed at preventing unauthorized access to data. We monitor their implementation and constantly verify their compliance with relevant legal acts – the Personal Data Protection Act, the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services, as well as various executive acts and EU regulations.

7. By default, the software used for browsing websites allows for the placement of cookies on the user’s end device. These settings can be changed by the user in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform the user about each instance of cookies being sent to their device.

8. Users of the website can change their cookie settings at any time. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software settings (web browser).

9. The Service Operator informs that changes to the user’s web browser settings may prevent the correct operation of the websites.